Client Name (print):_______________________________ Address:_______________________

City/Prov:_______________________Postal Code:________ Date of birth:_________________

Phone:____________________ Home:__________________ Cell:_____________________

Email Address(s):_________________________________________________________________

Emergency Contact: Name:___________________ Phone:___________________________

1.)    The client and Trainer having agreed that the trainer will:

o   Conduct benchmark testing and goal assessment with the client.

o   Design a personal Training program for the client.

o   Conduct ___ single, one-hour Personal Training session(s)

o   Conduct a Series of multiple regularly recurring one-hour Personal Training Sessions.

o   Other:_______________________________________________________________.

2.)    The Client will pay the trainer, in advance, the sum of:

o   8 Sessions $220.00 USD.

o   10 Sessions $280.00 USD.

o   12 Sessions $300.00 USD.

The client acknowledges and agrees that no credit or refund shall be due for sessions missed by the client, except as provided in the personal training policies. Each personal training session is to be paid before the session begins. The client may end a series with 2week’s notice to the trainer, after a minimum of 6 sessions, and apply the retainer to the final session or receive a refund of the retainer.

Concurrently with the signing of this Agreement, the Client has signed and delivered to the Trainer a release. Waiver and Assumption of Risk agreement in which the client assumes the risk of participating in an exercise program and agrees that the Trainer shall have no liability for any injury. Illness, or similar difficulty that the Client may suffer arising out of or connected with the Clients participation in the Trainers program.

ATEAMSTRONG’S Polices were developed with the goal of creating a mutually respectful relationship between the client and the trainer. The Client acknowledges having read, understood and signed the Personal training Policies and agrees to abide by the conditions described in the Policies. The client acknowledges having read and understood this agreement and will receive a completed copy of it.


Client:____________________________________________ Date:__________________

Trainer:___________________________________________ Date:__________________